Friday, December 9, 2011

Another Simple Poem

Garden By H. D.


You are clear
O rose, cut in rock,
hard as the descent of hail.

I could scrape the colour   
from the petals
like spilt dye from a rock.

If I could break you   
I could break a tree.

If I could stir
I could break a tree—
I could break you
In this poem I could possibly feel the writer's feeling of the sanguine and tolerable feelings.
I expecially like the line that says I could scrape the colour from the petals becuase, everyone knows that it is not possible to scrape the coulour from petals, but it shows the writer's feeling of tolerable.

Friday, December 2, 2011

simple poem

In the Desert

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, “Is it good, friend?”
“It is bitter—bitter,” he answered;

“But I like it
“Because it is bitter,
“And because it is my heart.”
I personally prefer simple poem than complex and long poem because sometimes, people don't even try to read long poem. Long poems have lots of meaning but, when people see long poems, they loose their patient and not even try to read it.
In this poem, you can find out that he saw a creature which is sad and shocked image eating his heart. I think they are talking about ignored and lefted behind heart that gives you a bitter feeling about your life.

“Is it good, friend?”
- I personally like this sentence, becuase way it ask to him was very strange and trys to know the feeling of the creature.

“It is bitter—bitter,”
- I also liked this sentence, because it shows the creature's strange feeling about understanding its heart.

“And because it is my heart.”
- I really like this sentence, becuase this sentence kind of showing the feeling of its ignored but not disturbed thoughts.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Who is right?

In my opinion, I personally think Creon is right. When brothers fought for spot of king, Creon, who lived in city wanted to become side of stronger side. He chose Eteocles who were in the spot of the king. Although it could be better if Creon buried both of brothers, but Creon didn’t wanted clean Polyneices body because, he thought he was just an insane invader who just wanted to become king. In the behind sense, Polyneices and Etocles promised his father to share the king’s benefits, but, all the sudden, Etocles wanted to become the King forever, so he was the one who actually started to fight. Also, their father Oedipus cursed his sons to fight each other and kill themselves so it’s kind of Oedipus’s fault.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lady Macbeth: Then and Now

= my hands are of your color, but I shame To wear a heart so white.
= The Thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now?

In this quote, you can find Lady Macbeth's behavior is changed. Before, she didn't had any power, but now, she become a queen and she finally get power of controling the empire and her husband Macbeth.

when bad things happen to good people

This story is also about Mr.Kin who has chinese restaurant in South Korea. When Mr.Kim opened his restaurant, there were lots of restaurant near his restaurant. But, in that region, there was big restaurant call "Old time street (옛날 골목길)". It was Korean restaurant that had lots of people eating there. Oneday, when I was watching the TV show call (소비자고발) I was shoked by the truth of why the restaurant "Old time street" was so developed. they didn't showed the exact name of the restaurant, but I could see the theme of the restaurant and streets that are very similar to the "Old time street" restaurant. The TV show showed us that they used cheep chinese ingredients and lots of cheep seasoning that are harmful to our body. Also the most news that I was shocked was they used left over side dishes. After few days the restaurant was closed and other restaurants like Mr.Kim's restaurants can develope.

Word Map

This is the one that I did in my English class.

- For Macbeth, I think murder, kiling, and sadness are the words can describe his personality. In Act 1 he decided to kill dunkan and try to become a new king. First time, he didn't wanted cause any truble, but, Lady Macbeth told him to murder Duncan and kick his sons out of the kingdom with sadness.

- For Duncan, I think life, sadness, and death can describe him. In Act 1, Macbeth decided to kill Duncan, so I found out that word life, sadness and death can describe him. Macbeth was the one of the favorite general of Duncan so I think, when he murder Duncan, he felt sadness a little

Short story of way to do something indirectly

This is personal experience that I had in South Korea six months ago. Six months ago, I visited to Mr. Kim’s restaurant with my brother. As soon as we entered Mr. Kim’s restaurant call “Red Dragon”, Mr. Kim welcome us. Just because my father and Mr. Kim was great business partner and friend, my brother and I can get discount on lunch special. We ordered two, “Red Dragon’s special” and we sat on the corner sit. As soon as my brother sat on the corner sit, my brother said to Mr. Kim “Don’t you think your dishes are expensive?” Mr. Kim was surprised that other people insist that his dishes are expensive. Than my brother said “Don’t you think you should give more discount on lunch special menu often?” After he said this sentence, I heard that Mr. Kim lowered his lunch special price, and my brother and I could pay lesser to get his lunch special menu.

In this personal experience, I found out that you can change lots of things indirectly even you are not an owner of restaurant. Just like what my brother said to Mr. Kim, you can find out that if my brother didn't give adivice to Mr. kim, his lunch special meun would be still expensive.

They look like


In my opinion, witches in Macbeth should look like this. In fact, there are three witches in this picture just like witches from story of Macbeth. They are in very important part that they had power to change the future and also, they tried to make Macbeth as the king of scotland. By the story, you can tell that one of the witched can be changed to a cat.


This is the picture of the worst king of England from long time ago. I found something similar between Macbeth and King Jhon by both of thems are very aggressive. Macbeth showed his aggressive personality by killing King Dunkan and tried to take over the kingdom.


For me, I had ambition from long time ago. Although most of people have their own type of ambition, but my ambition was very typical to most of people. Three years ago, I found out that I have to have my own type of ambition rather then following other people's ambition or do what ever my parents told me to do. Before I didn't chose my own ambition, I had fake ambition to become a doctor. Of course that was what my parents wanted to me to do. I studyed about medical science and I watched lots of video about madical science. I read book about it, and I even watched a video that doctors are doning medical surgery on people who are surfering cancer. But, about three years ago, I got tired of following my fake ambition and learning about medical science. I think it was the time that I found out that I shoudn't follow my fake ambition. Even I become a doctor, I can't enjoy my life and I would look like I'm living my life for my parent's ambition. I told my opinion to my parants, and then, I finally found my ambition on going to great American university and start my own business on computer programing.

Thirty-two Second-Macbeth

In the beggining, Actor4 who is king arrive.
Actors 1,2,3 who are servent of the king say Fair is fould and fould is fair!!
Actor 4 says "what bloody man is that?!" to Macbeth.
Actor 2 say "A drum, a drum! Macbeth doth come!" and look at the band.
Macbeth comes to the stage and say "so fould and fair a day i have not seen!"
Actor 3 say "All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!"
Macbeth say "if chance will have me king, then chance will crown me!"
Actor 5 say "Unsex me here"
Macbeth say "If it were done when 'tis done"
Actor 5 say "screw your courage to the sticking place!"
Macbeth got mad, then he take his dagger and say "Is this dagger that I see before me?" then he stab Actor4
Actor 5 surprize, then he say "A little water clears us of this deed!"
then, Macbeth also stab Actor6.
Actor 6 said "fly, good fleance, fly!" to his son to tell his family about Actor 6's death.
Macbeth say "blood will have blood!"
Actors 1,2,3 are welcoming their new king Macbeth and say "Double, double, toil and trouble!"
Macbeth also stab Actor 7 by dis repecting the new king
Actor 7 say "he has kill'd me mother" and died
Actor 8 who tried to become King said "bleed, bleed, poor country!"
Macbeth got ,mad, then he also killed Actor 8 who is the Macbeth's wife.
Macbeth scream "out, out, brief candle!"
Suddenly, Actor 8 stab Macbeth then he said "Turn, hell-hound, turn!"
Macbeth died and said his last word "Lay on Macduff!"
Actor 8 became the king of Scotland and said "hail, King of Scotland!!"

the alchemist treasure

This treasure has been hidden under the ruined church in Spain. In the beginning part of the book, he tried to find his tresure in pyramid in Egypt. Even the treasure could be look different like it could be some type of knowledge, but during Santiago’s journey for achieve his personal treasure; he learned that if he wants something desperately, the universe will help him to achieve it. In my opinion, the best treasure that he could find was the truth of following his personal treasure

Why literature is important?

In my opinion, I think literature is recommended to all of the human kind. Although some people don’t think that literature is useless and not important, literature is other way to show our culture, and in order to make us very special. Literature also transfers our knowledge to other mankind.
For example of news, magazines and articles that you can find, you can get knowledges in simple way. If we don't care about literature, we would have a lot of problems in transfering our knowledges, news and even just making an article about anything.
For other example, when we have currier like jurnalism, appraisal and making articles about other people's work. Even when I try to go to university in America, I have to take a big test that includes lots of literature.
Although some people doesn't care about litrerature, literature can't be ignord in any way because literature is in every subject.

What you expect and hope to learn this year in English class

Although this is my first year learning English in regular English class, I hope to get an A in Mr. Parson’s class. Four years before, when I was in South Korea, I couldn’t speak or write or even read anything that was in English. In South Korea, most of time, we start to learning English when we are turning to 10. But, I started learning English when I was 13 years old (middle school age). It was almost imposible to learn Engligh but, after four years of learning English, I could speak, read, and write English now. I usally studyed English three hours a day (How to read for one hour, learning new vocab for another one hour, and learning how to use word like "Although". I still insist that I should improve my English skill in this class, and I wish to learn more about grammar which I have trouble the most. Also, I planned on taking SAT test on junior year, so I have to study as much as I can.