Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thirty-two Second-Macbeth

In the beggining, Actor4 who is king arrive.
Actors 1,2,3 who are servent of the king say Fair is fould and fould is fair!!
Actor 4 says "what bloody man is that?!" to Macbeth.
Actor 2 say "A drum, a drum! Macbeth doth come!" and look at the band.
Macbeth comes to the stage and say "so fould and fair a day i have not seen!"
Actor 3 say "All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!"
Macbeth say "if chance will have me king, then chance will crown me!"
Actor 5 say "Unsex me here"
Macbeth say "If it were done when 'tis done"
Actor 5 say "screw your courage to the sticking place!"
Macbeth got mad, then he take his dagger and say "Is this dagger that I see before me?" then he stab Actor4
Actor 5 surprize, then he say "A little water clears us of this deed!"
then, Macbeth also stab Actor6.
Actor 6 said "fly, good fleance, fly!" to his son to tell his family about Actor 6's death.
Macbeth say "blood will have blood!"
Actors 1,2,3 are welcoming their new king Macbeth and say "Double, double, toil and trouble!"
Macbeth also stab Actor 7 by dis repecting the new king
Actor 7 say "he has kill'd me mother" and died
Actor 8 who tried to become King said "bleed, bleed, poor country!"
Macbeth got ,mad, then he also killed Actor 8 who is the Macbeth's wife.
Macbeth scream "out, out, brief candle!"
Suddenly, Actor 8 stab Macbeth then he said "Turn, hell-hound, turn!"
Macbeth died and said his last word "Lay on Macduff!"
Actor 8 became the king of Scotland and said "hail, King of Scotland!!"

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